Just some friction in The Machine

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Back to work after a great Thanksgiving week. Some of my in-laws stayed with us for several days, and we had a great time eating too much, drinking too much, gambling at the Indian casino and braving the cold, rainy weather in order to enjoy bonfires on Souhern Oregon coastal beaches.

One thing I learned from having three teenagers share my house for a week, is that the current generation is using a blogger-on-steroids application called MySpace to share digital pics and have a kind of open doodle-board chat among friends. Since I'd like to get back to teaching again sometime, I figured I should do some poking around to see how this thing worked, lest I get another one of those know-it-all students trying to play stump-the-instructor with me again.

Can you imagine my surprise when I happened upon a site featuring a girl my stepson used to date? Funny thing is, three years ago her parents told him that she had died of cancer. How f*cked up is that? For three friggin years my wife and I have helped him deal with his grief, and tried to counsel our young Marine about how a loving God could take such a precious gem from this earth. Now we find out they lied. Yeah, can you believe it? I'm thinking of suing the bastards for inflicting mental anguish, and the cost of counseling, and the time spent trying to find a grave that didn't even f*cking exist. I think the Marine doesn't have to worry about seeing her in an afterlife anymore. She and her bastard parents better take their sunscreen.
