Just some friction in The Machine

Thursday, October 02, 2003

As Congress considers dumping more taxpayer (extorted) money into the long distance electric grid, they might consider the physics involved and how the current regulation scheme can chew up as much capacity as we care to build. Once again the bureaucrats want to saddle us further and still not fix the problem rather than admit they were wrong before and get rid of their ill-devised plan. Hey guys, it's not nice to fool mother nature! (For some reason, the whole thing reminds me of the story of the Indiana legislature trying to legislate the value of pi.)

Monday, September 29, 2003

And now the ACLU steps into the file swapping arena. It seems the ACLU finally woke up to the implications of the DMCA and how it can be used:

"The consequences from this lack of procedural protections are far from trivial," the ACLU said in court papers. "In addition to being deprived of one's constitutional rights, there is nothing to stop a vindictive business or individual from claiming copyright to acquire the identity of critics."
And now you know why the power brokers will be slow to get rid of it..........

Sunday, September 28, 2003

I find it interesting that the French newspaper Le Nouvel Observateur gave as much coverage to the new California anti-spam law as did the Sacramento local monopoly daily newspaper. Obviously one of these media understands better than the other the significance of this new California precedent. Like Proposition 13, auto-emissions standards and the compassionate use of marijuana, California is on the front of another national trend.
