Just some friction in The Machine

Saturday, May 10, 2003

Cool. Appears to be working. OK, Doug. I was blogging before blogging was blogging Back then I called it an online diary. I never imagined that my life was interesting enough that people would care about it. However, I do tend to read a lot of news online. I can point to things I think are interesting.

Test 2. Over.

First Post. Test. Test. Doug Kenline is a nag. I appreciate it, but he's a nag. A bloggin' zealot he is. OK, OK, now I've got a blog. There, satisfied? No, now you'll expect me to post to it won't you? Pretty soon I'll be just like you, sitting home nursing a 12 pack and delivery pizza while I work the keyboard. Oh, the sacrifices we make for The Cause!

This is a test link to Doug's blog.

